Sea transportation vehicles such as boats and yachts are preferred for both hobby and commercial activities. Sea transportation vehicles may be exposed to factors such as strong wind, humidity, heavy rain in different climates and weather conditions. These types of vessels may also experience tremors caused by waves. It carries a great deal of importance for both human life and timing for a marine vehicle away from the shore to continue its course without any problems. The battery should not experience any problems due to natural conditions or the use of electrical equipment in the marine vehicle. This electricity need is inevitable for many applications such as interior equipment, especially lighting system, electronic systems related to the helm, direction/control systems such as navigation and GPS, and kitchen cleaning equipment that provide for daily needs. Choosing the right battery is extremely important when it comes for engine to run correctly of the engine and the healthy use of electrical equipment in marine transportation / marine vehicles such as boats and yachts. These so called marine batteries or boat batteries, must not leak liquid, be suitable for windy conditions and be resistant to shaking. You can choose GEL and SFB Marine batteries, developed by Mutlu Battery in line with the needs of sea transportation vehicles, for your boats and yachts.
GEL Batteries that are offered by Mutlu Battery for the marine group have the highest cycle life among lead-acid batteries. The electrolyte liquid in the battery is replaced with the gel form. As a result, it has a leak-proof structure. Thanks to the VRLA technology in the GEL Battery, there’s no gas release during use. It is suitable for use in indoor spaces. Mutlu GEL Battery technology, with its high vibration resistance, is suitable for the different types of sea conditions.
Mutlu SFB Marine Batteries are maintenance-free and are produced with SFB technology to meet the energy needs of vehicles used in maritime transportation. It offers higher cycle life than standard batteries thanks to its specially developed grid alloy, active substance and special fiber separators. They provide high security with its central gas outlet system and leakproof lid technology with flame arrester feature. Mutlu Batteries, produced from fire retardant plastic material, has the certificate of Türk Loydu.

GEL Batteries